Wired camera crane ( jib ) remote head electronics, for DC motors
this jib remote head driver was made for Gestaműhely, a hungarian independent film team in Szombathely,
for the 6 m crane made by RedMonkey ( Norbert Kiss ) :-) their crane and dolly available
for rental, with or without operator for filming of events ( weddings, concerts ... )
some short clips of them are found later on this page :-)
a modified version is currently being used on the remote head made by Norbert Zsargó
in Veszprém the nicely machined versions of the remote head and
quality steadycam clones are available for sale :-)
The jib remote head driver made for Red Monkey and Pici Maci, is based on a microcontroller and primarilly engineered to be used from 12V nominal car battery.
In areas with electrical grid connections ( home or studio ), also usable from a switch mode power supply, and in recent versions accepts supply voltages from 10 .. 18 V.
The driver is a metal box, wich contains two identical electrical panels for two channels ( X - Y ), optionally equipped with a third channel ( Z ) into a bigger case.
Each channel's DC motor speed is adjustable with a joystick which range is adjustable with a potentiometer. Depending on remote head installation-layout motor direction may be reversed with a switch. Joystick-excursion characteristics may be selected as linear or exponential. In the extended version of this driver, a separate fader potmeter is available instead/together with the joystick for longer, steady, low speed movements, the selection of the input source is made with button push. The device is constructed to be robust enough for profession usage, actual failure rate is to be determined yet. On request changes to the electronics are available ( for example remote control with R/C transmitter ), please contact me in ai1@freemail.hu.
this is the second version :-) photos are looking better this way
speed range setting potentiometers
push buttons for calibration and mode selection
selector swith for linear / exponential joystick curve mode
are mounted on the driver case
this is the first version
push buttons
linear / exponential switch
is mounted on the joystick case
- supply voltage range typically 12 V .. 13.8 V, min 10 V max 18 V filtered DC voltage ( car battery or power supply )
- undervoltage protection below 10 V
- soft overvoltage protection ( 18 V .. 22 V )
- overvoltage protection above 22 V
- battery polarity reversal protection
- overcurrent protecting fuse
- tipically 1 or 2 LEDs per channel for center position feedback, separate speed range setting potentiometers for the cahnnels
- main power switch
- push buttons for range calibration and joystick/slider/mixed_mode selection on versions fitted with slider potmeter
- switch selectable exponential and linear speed vs. joystick excursioin curve
- power output for DC motors, open loop driving of motors
- easy fit connectors for fast setup
- motor current: design target tipically in the range of 2 - 3 Amperes ( with some built in safety margin :-) )
- steel enclosure with slots for passive ventillation, enabling usage in direct sunshine, but needing protection in rainy conditions :-)
Joystick selection is based on user preferences :-)
the joystick input can be "tuned" to the selected joystick, inside the driver case.
the first version was fitted with an old PC joystick, the joystick potentiometers were weared out heavily, but to satisfy customer needs the joystick
was fitted with Hall effect rotation sensors, which means less wear-out during usage, much less wear out I mean :-)
the second version was fitted with high cycle life potmeter type joystick
theoretically industrial quality Hall sensor joysticks are also selectable, but this pushes the final price a little bit further :-)
Some modifications on the driver are considered :-)
higher motor voltage system ( for 24 V batteries )
encoder inputs for closed loop speed control ( servo drive )
PPM input for remote control by R/C model transmitters
some kind of serial input, RS-232
version for higher motor current ( 16 A steady state ( 32 A for few minutes )) also with battery polarity reversal and overvoltage protection.
You may ask me questions or leave comments on my email address, or on the +36 (29) 351-678 phone.
Some pictures and videos from Szombathely and Veszprém :-),
these are the works of Norbert Kiss and Norbert Zsargó.
crane, dolly rental and shooting of music clips, local events, weddings in HD quality -> Szombathely -> Norbert Kiss
crane, remote head, steadycam -> Veszprém -> Norbert Zsargó.
The first crane was designed and built and now used by Redmonkey in Szombathely :-)
some pictures from the crane below, furthers on www.redmonkey.hu
Red Monkey's 6 m long crane ( image ), with Hall sensor joystick :-) |
Red Monkey's 6 m long crane, video on  |
Red Monkey's HD video made with his crane and dolly in a stone mine on :-) this worth watching even you aren't interested in camera cranes at all :-) |
RedMonkey ( Norbert Kiss ) other works on
and on
Pici Maci's crane is in Veszprém, some photos and
videos are available on veszcam.extra.hu.
original Pici Maci grip with joystick :-) |
Pici Maci's HD video from his crane and remote head on :-) |
Pici Maci's ( Norbert Zsargó ) further videos on
You may ask me questions and leave comments in email or by phone +36 (29) 351-678.