Delta robot kinematics for EMC

delta robot kinematics was fitted and
tested under EMC2 by Papp József ( hg5bsd )

some coding by Ábel István  ©2010

delta robot kinematics module for the Enhanced Motion Controller on, before use of the source code
read licencing comments, maintain developer information, and don't forget that delta robots are patented robots of Mr. Clavel.

first version: 2010.08.07

* Description: deltakins.c
*   Kinematics for 3 axis Delta machine
*   Derived from a work of mzavatsky at Trossen Robotics
*                          at
* Author: Jozsef Papp / hg5bsd 
*    and: István Ábel at
* License: coding and fitting it into EMC2 from our part is GPL alike
*          but we won't place the code itself under GPL because we
*          don't know if this would hurt or not the delta robot 
*          inventors rights, if you are shure that it doesn't hurt,
*          then you are free to place it under GPL ( in this case place
*          your name in the comment lines, and keep original comments )
* System: realtime Linux, EMC2
* Copyright (c) 2010 All rights reserved.
* Last change:                   2010.
#include "kinematics.h"             /* these decls */
#include "rtapi_math.h"

/* robot geometry  /Ref - mzavatsky: Delta robot kinematics/

e = side length of end effector triangle, middle arm - "re"
f = side length of base triangle, middle drive joints - "rf"
re = length of end effector arm
rf = length of drive arm   

e = 115.0;
f = 457.3;
re = 232.0;
rf = 112.0;  */

#ifdef RTAPI
#include "rtapi.h"		/* RTAPI realtime OS API */
#include "rtapi_app.h"		/* RTAPI realtime module decls */
#include "hal.h"

struct haldata {
    hal_float_t *e, *f, *re, *rf;
} *haldata = 0;

#define delta_e (*(haldata->e))    
#define delta_f (*(haldata->f))    
#define delta_re (*(haldata->re))  
#define delta_rf (*(haldata->rf)) 

double delta_e, delta_f, delta_re, delta_rf;

 /* trigonometric constants */
 const double sqrt3 = 1.7320508075688772935274463415059;   /* sqrt(3.0);*/
#ifndef PI
#define PI 3.14159265358979323846
 const double sin120 = 0.86602540378443864676372317075294; /* (sqrt3)/2;*/   
 const double cos120 = -0.5;        
 const double tan60 = 1.7320508075688772935274463415059;   /* sqrt3;*/
 const double sin30 = 0.5;
 const double tan30 = 0.57735026918962576450914878050196;  /* 1/(sqrt3);*/

 /* forward kinematics: (joints[0], joints[1], joints[2]) -> (pos->tran.x, pos->tran.y, pos->tran.z)
 // returned status: 0=OK, -1=non-existing position*/

int kinematicsForward( const double *joints,
		      EmcPose *pos,
		      const KINEMATICS_FORWARD_FLAGS *fflags,


     double t = (delta_f-delta_e)*tan30/2;
     /* float dtr = pi/(float)180.0; TO_RAD */
     double theta1 = joints[0] * TO_RAD;
     double theta2 = joints[1] * TO_RAD;
     double theta3 = joints[2] * TO_RAD;
     double y1 = -(t + delta_rf*cos(theta1));
     double z1 = -delta_rf*sin(theta1);
     double y2 = (t + delta_rf*cos(theta2))*sin30;
     double x2 = y2*tan60;
     double z2 = -delta_rf*sin(theta2);
     double y3 = (t + delta_rf*cos(theta3))*sin30;
     double x3 = -y3*tan60;
     double z3 = -delta_rf*sin(theta3);
     double dnm = (y2-y1)*x3-(y3-y1)*x2;
     double w1 = y1*y1 + z1*z1;
     double w2 = x2*x2 + y2*y2 + z2*z2;
     double w3 = x3*x3 + y3*y3 + z3*z3;
     /* x = (a1*z + b1)/dnm*/
     double a1 = (z2-z1)*(y3-y1)-(z3-z1)*(y2-y1);
     double b1 = -((w2-w1)*(y3-y1)-(w3-w1)*(y2-y1))/2.0;
     /* y = (a2*z + b2)/dnm;*/
     double a2 = -(z2-z1)*x3+(z3-z1)*x2;
     double b2 = ((w2-w1)*x3 - (w3-w1)*x2)/2.0;
     /* a*z^2 + b*z + c = 0*/
     double a = a1*a1 + a2*a2 + dnm*dnm;
     double b = 2*(a1*b1 + a2*(b2-y1*dnm) - z1*dnm*dnm);
     double c = (b2-y1*dnm)*(b2-y1*dnm) + b1*b1 + dnm*dnm*(z1*z1 - delta_re*delta_re);
     /* discriminant*/
     double d = b*b - (double)4.0*a*c;
     if (d < 0) return -1; /* non-existing point*/
     pos->tran.z = -(double)0.5*(b+sqrt(d))/a;
     pos->tran.x = (a1*pos->tran.z + b1)/dnm;
     pos->tran.y = (a2*pos->tran.z + b2)/dnm;

     return 0;


 /* inverse kinematics
    helper functions, calculates angle theta1 (for YZ-pane)*/
 int delta_calcAngleYZ( double x0, double y0, double z0, double *theta )
     double y1 = -0.5 * 0.57735 * delta_f; // f/2 * tg 30
     y0 -= 0.5 * 0.57735    * delta_e;    // shift center to edge
     /* z = a + b*y*/
     double a = (x0*x0 + y0*y0 + z0*z0 +delta_rf*delta_rf - delta_re*delta_re - y1*y1)/(2*z0);
     double b = (y1-y0)/z0;
     /* discriminant*/
     double d = -(a+b*y1)*(a+b*y1)+delta_rf*(b*b*delta_rf+delta_rf); 
     if (d < 0) return -1; /* non-existing point*/
     double yj = (y1 - a*b - sqrt(d))/(b*b + 1); /* choosing outer point*/
     double zj = a + b*yj;
     *theta = TO_DEG * atan2(-zj,(y1 - yj)) + ((yj>y1)?180.0:0.0);
     return 0;
 /* inverse kinematics: (pos->tran.x, pos->tran.y, pos->tran.z) -> (joints[0], joints[1], joints[2])
    returned status: 0=OK, -1=non-existing position*/
int kinematicsInverse(const EmcPose *pos,
		      double *joints,
		      const KINEMATICS_INVERSE_FLAGS *iflags,

     double x0 = pos->tran.x;
     double y0 = pos->tran.y;
     double z0 = pos->tran.z;
     double theta1;
     double theta2;
     double theta3;
     theta1 = theta2 = theta3 = 0;
     int status = delta_calcAngleYZ(x0, y0, z0, &theta1);
     if (status == 0) joints[0] = theta1;
     if (status == 0) status = delta_calcAngleYZ(x0*cos120 + y0*sin120, y0*cos120-x0*sin120, z0, &theta2); /*rotate coords to +120 deg*/
     if (status == 0) joints[1] = theta2;
     if (status == 0) status = delta_calcAngleYZ(x0*cos120 - y0*sin120, y0*cos120+x0*sin120, z0, &theta3); /*rotate coords to -120 deg*/
     if (status == 0) joints[2] = theta3;
     return status;

 /* implemented for these kinematics as giving joints preference */
int kinematicsHome(EmcPose * world,
		   double *joint,
    *fflags = 0;
    *iflags = 0;

    return kinematicsForward(joint, world, fflags, iflags);

KINEMATICS_TYPE kinematicsType()

#ifdef RTAPI
#include "rtapi.h"		/* RTAPI realtime OS API */
#include "rtapi_app.h"		/* RTAPI realtime module decls */
#include "hal.h"


int comp_id;
int rtapi_app_main(void) {
    int res = 0;

    comp_id = hal_init("deltakins");
    if(comp_id < 0) return comp_id;

    haldata = hal_malloc(sizeof(struct haldata));
    if(!haldata) goto error;
    if((res = hal_pin_float_new("deltakins.e", HAL_IO, &(haldata->e), comp_id)) != HAL_SUCCESS) goto error;
    if((res = hal_pin_float_new("deltakins.f", HAL_IO, &(haldata->f), comp_id)) != HAL_SUCCESS) goto error;
    if((res = hal_pin_float_new("", HAL_IO, &(haldata->re), comp_id)) != HAL_SUCCESS) goto error;
    if((res = hal_pin_float_new("deltakins.rf", HAL_IO, &(haldata->rf), comp_id)) != HAL_SUCCESS) goto error;

    delta_e = delta_f = delta_re = delta_rf = 1.0;
    return 0;

    return res;

void rtapi_app_exit(void) { hal_exit(comp_id); }

the code is also available for download :-)
some sample videos from Papp József are available on YouTube

A video of Enhanced Motion Controller driving robotron stepper motors in
delta kinematics configuration from Jozsef Papp on YouTube

A kérdéseket és megjegyzéseket emailben lehet feltenni, illetőleg esténként a (29) 351-678 telefonszámon. You may place comments and questions in email or contact me 19.30-20.30 CET on the +36 (29) 351-678 phone number.